Giving Trends – Top 300 Foundations 2014 report
30 April 2014
Fascinating morning at the launch of the Association of Charitable Foundations and CASS Business School report on the Top 300 UK Foundations Giving Trends. It’s an excellent piece of work, but we were struck how much richer and easier the work would be if grant makers published their grants to an open data standard along the lines of #360giving. A number of speakers from the floor and the platform said that the grant making sector desperately needed more information. As Jon Cracknell put it:
‘We can’t do our grant making any worse if we know what each other is doing, surely?’
Professor Cathy Pharoah, said:
“Better data on philanthropy is increasingly vital. It helps provide a realistic context for assessing the feasibility of political aspirations for the role of private philanthropy in public welfare provision. We also need to know whether philanthropy is growing at a time of increasing private wealth, but continuing social inequality.”
It was good to hear from Anna de Pulford from Dulverton Trust who is doing some fascinating work on Salesforce for grant management and building a plug in to allow that to export data in the 360giving format.
The report, great work largely by Cathy Pharoah of Cass will be online here shortly. Here’s a round up of the tweets:
…foundations drawing on reserves/capital to increase spending at time of higher need #givingtrends
— William Perrin (@willperrin) April 30, 2014
wow – foundation grant making 2012/13 grew 9.8%worth 2.4bn y on y (Wellcome doesn't skew these results BTW) #givingtrends BUT income lower
— William Perrin (@willperrin) April 30, 2014
foundation income down 12.4% #givingtrends
— William Perrin (@willperrin) April 30, 2014
UK+US foundation giving trends v similar over time (despite spike in UK in 2008). see also family foundation paper soon #givingtrends
— William Perrin (@willperrin) April 30, 2014
People interested in #opendata around philanthropy should take a look @willperrin and #givingtrends right now @paulineroche @DJSoup
— Simon Whitehouse (@siwhitehouse) April 30, 2014
trustees of endowed charities are maintaining spending rates through the recession #givingtrends
— William Perrin (@willperrin) April 30, 2014
the #360giving work on #opendata in grant making will hugely help the #givingtrends work analysing UK foundations grant making
— William Perrin (@willperrin) April 30, 2014
for more on #360giving see #givingtrends
— William Perrin (@willperrin) April 30, 2014
72% of foundations grant to organisations, 26% both individuals and orgs and 2% to individuals #givingtrends
— William Perrin (@willperrin) April 30, 2014
funding areas: health 38.5%, social welfare 38.5%, children/young 36.5%, location 35.4%, older folk 24.0% (by No not value) #givingtrends
— William Perrin (@willperrin) April 30, 2014
#givingtrends useful research on digital giving trends by #giveasyoulive
— David Woods 💙SupportsNHS #ThinBlueLine (@ukdavidwoods) April 30, 2014
another report – family foundation giving trends is coming in a couple of weeks with support from Pears Foundation #givingtrends
— William Perrin (@willperrin) April 30, 2014
'not even basic statistics existed about size andshape of 3rdsector in the NE when we began says northern rock fdn #givingtrends
— William Perrin (@willperrin) April 30, 2014
vol sector in the NE receive 49% of their income from statutory sources, well above national average #givingtrends
— William Perrin (@willperrin) April 30, 2014
Penny Wilkinson of Northern Rock Foundation spells out the desperate need for better data on how and where foundations spend #givingtrends
— William Perrin (@willperrin) April 30, 2014
barriers to #360giving simply of understanding that this is important so play up opportunities says panel at #givingtrends
— William Perrin (@willperrin) April 30, 2014
'we can't do our grant making any worse if we know what each other is doing, surely' says jon cracknell #givingtrends
— William Perrin (@willperrin) April 30, 2014
This has just been launched, and it's really very good @givingcentre @Cassinthenews #givingtrends well done ACF
— Forces in Mind Trust (@FiMTrust) April 30, 2014