Funders see potential of open data for whole sector
8 March 2018
A push for transparency and a desire to improve grantmaking for the sector continues to drive funders to join our #greatergrantsdata movement by publishing their data to the 360Giving Standard. In the last two months, four more funders have published more than £13m worth of grants across a range of causes, taking the total value of open data to almost £18bn and more than 280,000 grants.
Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (UK Branch) that works to promote wellbeing particularly among the most vulnerable, through connections that deliver social, cultural and environmental value, has now published 193 grants made between 2012 and 2017 worth more than £6m.
Andrew Barnett, Director at Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (UK Branch) said: “We are joining this platform because of our commitment to collaboration and transparency in grantmaking. We strongly believe that a deeper understanding of the funding ecology will be beneficial to applicants, charities and the sector as a whole.”
Seafarers UK, which funds charities and projects that help serving and ex-serving seafarers and their families through hardship, is sharing 54 grants worth almost £2m made between January and October 2017.
Deborah Layde, Grants Director at Seafarers UK, said: “We are committed to supporting increased transparency in grantmaking and are delighted to make our own data available using the 360Giving Standard so that it can be compared with other funders from across the UK. We feel this is a positive step to enable greater learning and informed collaboration across the sector.”
London Catalyst, an independent grantmaking trust working to alleviate the effects of poverty and improve the health and well-being of Londoners, in particular people with mental and physical illness, long term health conditions and/or disabilities, is now sharing five years of data from 2012, worth almost £2m.
Victor Willmott, Director, says: “As a small grantmaker, our data on its own might not warrant much attention. However, by using the 360Giving Standard we can contribute to a higher standard of information which collectively informs and adds value to the wider charitable sector. We’re pleased to play our part in this very important initiative.”
The Joseph Rank Trust, which funds projects to advance the Christian faith, has also committed to the bigger picture of grantmaking in the UK and published more than £2.5m worth of funding data covering a nine month period in 2017.
Sport England has also published an update for the final quarter of 2017, adding £33.2m in grants. While the Big Lottery Fund has added data spanning April-December 2017, adding a further £258m in grant value to its dataset.
If you want to use this data visit GrantNav, the platform that allows you to explore, compare and download 360Giving data.
If you would like to join funders who are using their data to create a bigger impact for the sector through greater transparency and the potential for collaboration, email Katherine Duerden, Partnerships & Engagement Manager: