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Celebrating open grantmaking data

8 October 2018

By Jeremy Peters

Thank you to everyone who attended the awards event for our Data Visualisation Challenge Fund.

We were delighted with the energy and warmth shared among the 100 of you who joined us in Shoreditch on 21 September 2018.

We had invited designers and data journalists to use 360Giving data to develop and visualise responses to key questions facing the grantmaking sector. This event was held to present prizes to the winning entries.

The video and photographs below offer you a sense of the occasion.

Getting ready and welcoming guests arriving at Calvert22.

Viewing and playing with some of the visualisations being showcased, and connecting with each other.


Tom Steinberg @steiny of the Big Lottery Fund (who funded the project) kicked off proceedings by explaining why data sharing is so important to understanding the charity sector.

Chair of the judging panel William Perrin @willperrin takes to the stage, saying that in a busy world people need a quick and accessible way to grasp what the data published to the 360Giving standard says.

And Will opens the golden envelopes, announces and congratulates the prize winners.

Firstly, the judges made two Special Creativity Mentions (worth £700 each) to Tom Neill @TomJNeill for his A drop in a bucket.

And to Joe Hall @JoeFHall for his fun application of instant messaging, What’s Up?

For the Special Judges Award, Cath Sleeman @CathSleeman received £2,000 for her incredibly engaging Forest of Funders.

Fourth place, with a prize of £750, went to Suraj Vadgama @suninthasky and his Slice & Dice.

Third prize of £2,000 went to Oliver Carrington @olliecarrington and João Silva @JPVSilva88 for their Funding trends. Such clarity and beauty!

Second place (£4,000) goes to Victòria Oliveres @VictriaVic for her From funder to user. A beautiful combination of simplicity and power.

First place (£6,000) was awarded to Xavi Gimenez @xavigimenez. His Grantmaking themes visualisation allows users to leap right into the detail of the 360Giving dataset to understand what’s been funded. Underneath the interactive graphics lies some excellent coding.

We interviewed the winners…

All shortlisted entries to the Visualisation Challenge received a small cash prize for their work.

Thanks again to everyone who entered the competition and came along, for creating and connecting!

Review the event from the perspective of Twitter.

The team leading the project (@morchickit and @NaDomagala) are pleased with the results!