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Key questions to ensure responsible data practice for funders

30 March 2021

By Dirk Slater

The Data Champions programme brings funders together to collaborate and learn how to grow a data culture in their organisations. In this blog, programme facilitator Dirk Slater shares insights about responsible data use from the workshop on January 27, 2021. 


Responsible data

What is meant by responsible data?

Data is power and with power comes responsibility. The Responsible Data Forum defines that responsibility as “…a collective duty to prioritise and respond to the ethical, legal, social and privacy-related challenges that come from using data in new and different ways in advocacy and social change.”

Why is it important for you and your organisation?

As grantmakers, our Data Champions are striving to empower beneficiaries and improve communities. Collecting and storing data responsibly and ethically is important, first and foremost, to protect and respect the rights of stakeholders. In addition, it is vital to maintain a funding organisation’s credible reputation and demonstrate their values and mission. This responsibility needs to be reflected in every step of an organisation’s data workflows – from getting consent when they collect data, to making sure they don’t include personal identifiable information when they share it.

Compliance with GDPR was a major hurdle for any organisation collecting data via the internet, and the regulations went a long way in raising awareness. But there are a lot of ethical considerations around data that go beyond consent. During the workshop, the Data Champions identified the data-related scenarios that kept them up at night. These included:

“I have left with ideas to make our responsible data policy more understandable and easy to implement, by using images and a list of top tips.” Roxanne Wood, Two Ridings Community Foundation and 360Giving Data Champion

Questions to Ask Frequently

Responsible data policies are an important part of an organisation’s governance. However, one of the main concerns for participants was that staff within their organisations weren’t aware of these policies, couldn’t implement them easily and didn’t recognise the relevance and significance of responsible practice to them. The group highlighted the need to communicate policies to staff through examples, using simpler language, and setting out steps for how to implement good practice.

To help ensure good practice around responsible data use, we asked our Data Champions to generate questions that should be frequently asked. Here’s what they came up with, listed by topic:

🎯Data collection: the purpose

✔️Data collection: getting consent


🔐Keeping data secure

💂Accessing data

🔍Being transparent

📋Personal responsibility

📊Analysis and processing

“I’ve been grateful to everyone on the call. It’s really helpful to listen to others from smaller and larger organisations. I work in a moderate size organisation but work with larger and smaller ones. This has been helpful to gain insight and inform how I work with them. – Kathryn Parry-Wilkes, SCVO, 360Giving Data Champion

Useful resources

The Data Champions shared the following resources which include actionable tools and more information about responsible data:

  1. Sample of a data responsibility policy, 510, Netherlands Red Cross – Sample of data responsibility policy from Netherlands Red Cross 510 initiative as part of IFRC’s Data Playbook
  2. Age of Surveillance Capitalism, Shoshana Zuboff (book). – This 2019 non-fiction book by Professor Shoshana Zuboff looks at the development of digital companies like Google and Amazon, and suggests that their business models represent a new form of capitalist accumulation that she calls “surveillance capitalism”. Read a good summary by the author.
  3. The Social Dilemma (Netflix documentary) – This documentary-drama hybrid explores the dangerous human impact of social networking, with tech experts sounding the alarm on their own creations.
  4. Data protection advice for small organisations, Information Commissioner’s Office – Resources for small organisations wanting to know more about data protection.
  5. Data Protection Network – Resources and support for understanding data protection and privacy.
  6. Have I Been – Resource to check if you email has been compromised in a data breach

Turning learning into action

Given the ‘Questions to Ask Frequently’ are meant as guidance for ongoing discussions around responsible data practices, many of the participants were anxious to make sure practice matched policy.

We asked them what next steps they planned to take as a result of this workshop. They said:

Look out for blog 5: Data for Leaders

Our next blog will share insights from our Data Champions on getting leaders to use data to encourage growing a data culture. For more guidance on developing a data culture, read our previous blog on four steps to build a data culture.

If you have found this blog useful or have any feedback, we’d love to know! We also welcome ideas for blogs and other content from our community, to help enable better use of data for funding organisations. Drop us an email at