360Giving Data Standard
Launching a new way to identify regranting
2 June 2023
The 360Giving Data Standard has been updated to enable funders to identify their grants intended for regranting.
Over the past year, 360Giving has been working on a project to enable grantmakers to identify grants that are intended for onward distribution, or ‘regranting’, in their 360Giving data. This was a need identified in response to increasing collaboration between funders and a need to reflect this in the data to better understand the grantmaking picture.
In our previous blog, we discussed the work we’d done to understand regranting approaches through research and user interviews, and launched a consultation on the categories we developed based on the types of regranting we identified.
We’re pleased to announce that we’ve updated the 360Giving Data Standard to introduce a field and codelist that funders can use to describe their grants that are intended for regranting. The new field is intended for use by the ‘donor funder’, which means the funder giving the grant intended for redistribution. Recipients of funds for distribution should not use this field – although can reference the original donor in their data in the programme title, as some funders already do.
What we’ve done
This update to the 360Giving Data Standard comprises a new field called For Regrant Type that allows donor funders to identify that a grant is intended for onward distribution. This is done using a new Regrant Type codelist, which is a set of codes with user-friendly names to represent different categories of regranting.
The categories are designed to cover the most common ways that funders give grants for redistribution or collaborate with other funders to distribute funds, and our new guidance provides detailed explanations of the categories and how to use them.
We’ve also updated GrantNav and 360Insights to include filters that allow you to update your search based on whether grants have been identified as being for regranting or are grants awarded directly to the end recipient.
GrantNav regranting filter:
360Insights regranting filter:
It should be noted that not all funders will be updating their historic grants so the new filters may not identify all grants that are for regranting.
Support available
We’ve updated our Complete Guide to Publishing with a new section on regranting, including detailed guidance on each code, who should use the Regrant Type codes, and advice on how to incorporate the codes into 360Giving data.
If you need further support, please contact us or book a 1-1 Publisher support call if you want to discuss your query further.
Next steps
If you are a funder who makes grants that are intended for regranting, please read the guidance and consider incorporating the new codes into your 360Giving data. Using these codes will increase the visibility of regranted funds and support users to analyse the data more accurately.
You can see all the grants that have already been identified as being for regranting in GrantNav and 360Insights using our new Grant type filters.
Finally, we mentioned in last year’s consultation that as a next step, we wanted to explore whether there are suitable ways to reflect other funders involved in regranting or multi-funder relationships, in particular how the funders involved in onward distribution could indicate their donors or partners involved in their funding collaborations. So that’s the next step for us at 360Giving in tackling the challenges around regranting, and we’ll keep you updated when we have more to share!