Our Data Champions programme brings funders together to collaborate and learn how to grow a data culture in their organisations. In November 2020, we launched our second programme with 32 participants from a variety of grantmaking organisations. In this blog, the first of two, we hear from some of them about how they work with data and what they’re looking forward to about the programme.
What is the Data Champions programme?
The Data Champions programme offers funders the chance to learn more about data and how to make the best use of it. Through collaborative online workshops and group calls, participants learn about topics such as data workflows, building a data culture, ethics and data strategy. Over the next six months, we will publish a series of blogs focused on these topics for readers who want to learn about data, and growing a data culture, in their grantmaking organisation. In our 2020-21 cohort, we’re delighted to bring together a variety of people from a range of grantmaking organisations across the UK.
Meet the Data Champions
Jess Johnson, Programmes & Evaluation Officer, Leeds Community Foundation
As Programmes and Evaluation Officer at Leeds Community Foundation, I focus on maximising efficient and effective systems and processes to support grantmaking. I support the development of the Impact Measurement Framework, and efficient systems for evaluation and impact, grant reports and programmes evaluation, and grantmaking analysis. I also help to communicate our impact through internal and external channels.
I’m really excited to take part in the Data Champions programme, and hope to learn the skills I need to understand and use data in a meaningful way. Plus, I love to connect with people who love data as much as I do!
Hannan Ali, Grants & Programmes Manager, Bedfordshire and Luton Community Foundation
I joined Bedfordshire and Luton Community Foundation in August 2019. I work on local donor-advised funds, national funding programmes, and an endowed trust. This year, I prepared and published our grants data from the last four years in the 360Giving Data Standard, making it open and accessible.
I’m interested in learning how to make the data more usable, create visualisations, and improve impact reporting methods. I’m also looking forward to learning from the other Data Champions, exploring common challenges, and discussing how to build a data culture.
Annie Corpe, Grants Assistant, Triangle Trust
The Triangle Trust is a small grantmaking organisation working with charities supporting unpaid carers, and rehabilitation of offenders. As Grants Assistant, my role includes maintaining the database and website, finance, and supporting grantees. We’re looking to develop impact stories and bring the charity into the 21st century, using data.
Margaret Firth, Research and Engagement Manager, Wiltshire Community Foundation
I’m excited about learning from others to inform our work in Wiltshire and Swindon. I undertake research and engagement which provides context and local insight to inform Wiltshire Community Foundation’s grantmaking, to advise our donors and to raise awareness of local community needs and priorities.
I am passionate about using our data and insight to inform our relationships, to explore, and learn where and how we can have the greatest impact.
Ellie Lee, Thriving Communities Fund Officer, Hounslow Council
I work for the London Borough of Hounslow as the Thriving Communities Fund Officer. I help to set up and oversee the funding processes that distribute capital and revenue grants to the community and voluntary sector.
Sarah Johnstone, Programme Manager, The Childhood Trust
As Programme Manager, I am responsible for all aspects of The Childhood Trust’s funding programmes. Since starting at The Childhood Trust, I have collated our grantmaking data back to 2013 and published it in the 360Giving Standard. I’ve reviewed our reporting systems and data collection methods and learnt to use Tableau to present our data. I am now leading the implementation of Salesforce as our grant management system.
I am looking forward to learning from other Data Champions about their own data challenges and successes, as well as learning about building data culture for our small team.
Grace Perry, Executive Assistant & Office Manager, London Funders
As Executive Assistant & Office Manager, I help keep London Funders ticking over on a daily basis! Most recently I have been working on the London Community Response – working with over 65 funders to get £42million out to London’s communities – and the vast amounts of data being collected.
Through the Data Champions programme I am looking forward to meeting colleagues across the country, learning from them and growing in data confidence.
Josh Rosekilly, Data Insight Manager, Charities Aid Foundation (CAF)
I am the Data Insight Manager at Charities Aid Foundation. As well as supporting the standard KPI reporting at CAF, I support a wide variety of teams by providing and overseeing data extracts; campaign, project and product analysis; market research, and general ‘data & insight consultancy’.
I am excited about the Data Champions programme as it provides an excellent forum for meeting people from a range of backgrounds who share the same ambitions and issues. I am hoping to learn a lot from them all.
I’m the Programmes Officer at Maudsley Charity, South London. Maudsley Charity supports patients and families, clinical care teams and scientists who are working towards the common goal of improving mental health. I provide support for people engaging with the Charity, as well as administering grant processes, database management, and analysis.
Lulu Wright, Learning Officer, Esmée Fairbairn Foundation
My role is to drive forward our approach to impact and learning. I also promote shared learning and collaboration with other funders and the organisations that we fund. This includes identifying key learning from our funding, and analysing it to form useful insights that we can share.
I am looking forward to learning about how we can make the most of the data we have access to by asking the right questions, recording and collating data effectively, and sharing our lessons widely!
We’re delighted to welcome the Data Champions cohort, not all of which are featured here! Read part 2 of the blog to meet more of the Data Champions.
We’ll be publishing a series of blogs focused on the topics covered in the programme to help others learn about data and growing a data culture. Sign up to our monthly newsletter to get the latest blog in your inbox.
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