New Publisher: Barrow Cadbury Trust
12 May 2017
Committed to structural and long-term catalytic social change, Barrow Cadbury Trust works in the areas of criminal justice, migration, and economic justice.
It grants in excess of £3m a year and has now published grant-making data going back to April 2012 to the 360Giving Open Data Standard. This adds 397 grants worth £13,504,355 to the dataset.
Head of Programmes Debbie Pippard says: “We decided to publish to the 360Giving Standard as we strongly believe in transparency and making our data as accessible as possible for people. We believe in the potential of Big Data and want to be a part of that and we encourage others to join us.
“360Giving were very helpful and knowledgeable. Our data was in pretty good shape and with a bit of tidying we were able to publish almost everything immediately. But you don’t have to bite off everything in one go. You can publish in stages. Now our data is standardised we will be able to publish updates at the push of a button.”
Visit Barrow Cadbury Trust website to access their data, or explore their grants in GrantNav.