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Grantmaking data through 360Giving adds new insight to OCSI’s Local Insight tool

24 August 2017

By Kimberley Anscombe

Oxford Consultants for Social Inclusion (OCSI) have been working with the public sector for 14 years, supporting organisations to use better data for better decisions.

At our core is providing rigorous, high quality data in accessible formats, so that decision makers and key stakeholders save time and money when planning local community services. This could be anything from informed decisions around GP services and travel planning, to providing the contextual evidence for funding bids and impact reports.

Our Local Insight tool provides up-to-date local level data matched to areas at ward and neighbourhood level in the form of maps, dashboards and reports, all in one intuitive and easy to use platform.

We are always on the lookout for shiny new data to add to Local Insight, and we are thrilled to make Big Lottery grant data available through the 360Giving initiative – take a look at a few headline stats over on our blog.

This data from Big Lottery sits alongside more than 800 other open datasets to help:

Thanks to 360Giving’s Open Standard, grant-giving data is being made more readily available, and in a format that makes it easier for organisations (such as OCSI) to import into tools for instant mapping and reporting.

This provides a really exciting opportunity to build a picture of local funding streams and service provision. Combining transactional grant-giving data and contextual data of a local area can help to answer some of the big questions: Who is being funded? Who is missing out? Are we reaching those most in need? Are we duplicating services? What is changing over time?

Already 360Giving has helped more than 45 grantmakers publish more than £10bn worth of grants. We are looking forward to seeing more grants data being published – and getting more of the data into Local Insight.

If you would like to find out more about Local Insight and explore the data for yourself, register for a free trial now.