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Complaints policy

360Giving makes every effort to provide a high standard of service and to treat all our users and participants equally and fairly. We are continuously trying to improve our services, tools and the ways we work. The 360Giving team values any feedback that will help us to reflect and change for the better. 

Comments and compliments

Whether you work at one of our publishing organisations, used our tools or resources, attended one of our events or read our blogs and reports, we’d love to hear from you. We’re committed to continual improvement in everything we do, so we hope you will feel comfortable to make your views known to us. Get in touch by filling in our feedback form below.

Comments and compliments form

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Complaints policy

At 360Giving, we aim to provide our publishers, users, participants, partners, suppliers and funders with the best possible service. We positively welcome suggestions you have for how we can improve our service.

We recognise that from time to time there may be occasions when you feel that the quality or level of service provided falls short of what you expect. We want to know about these occasions so that we can address the problem and plan to avoid it happening again.

We greatly value your continued goodwill and we will work to resolve any day-to-day difficulties or complaints informally and as quickly as possible. If you are unhappy about any aspect of your engagement with 360Giving, please speak to your normal 360Giving contact in the first instance, or ask to speak to their line manager, as they should be able to resolve the issue for you.

If your complaint is related to how we have used your data, please view our Data Protection Policy and how to make a data Subject Access Request.

The more formal procedure outlined below is intended for use by our service users, where informal communication has not achieved the desired result.

How to report a complaint

Submit a complaint by filling in our feedback form. Within ten workings days the Chief Executive will acknowledge in writing the receipt of any complaint.

Complaints form

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What 360Giving will do

The Chief Executive (or Chair if the complaint is related to the Chief Executive) will review the complaint and respond directly or where necessary will identify the best person to investigate the circumstances leading to the complaint. They will communicate the results of the investigation to the complainant within a reasonable time (normally within 20 working days of the complaint being received). If the complaint is found to be justified, the Chief Executive or Chair will agree to any necessary further action with the complainant.

The complainant will have the right – if dissatisfied with the results of the enquiry – to put their case, in writing, to an appeal of the Chair. If necessary an appeal panel will be established. If the appeal is found to be justified, the appeal panel will agree any necessary further action with the complainant. The decision of the appeal panel is final and no further appeal is possible, although details of external organisations are provided below, should you want to refer your complaint to them.

The Chief Executive will keep the Trustee Board informed of the number and nature of complaints, and the outcomes quarterly as part of the standard Board reporting.

What you can do to help us deal effectively and quickly with your complaint

Contact us as soon as possible using the details below, giving clear details so we can endeavour to resolve the issue. Please specify clearly what aspect of 360Giving’s work you wish to make the complaint about.

Including the following details will help us to effectively and quickly investigate your complaint:

Our commitment to resolving complaints professionally

Your complaint will be dealt with in a professional manner. Your complaint will be assigned quickly to the most appropriate person to deal with the complaint, and we will investigate the matter fully and communicate regularly with you until the issue has been resolved.

We will do everything we can to put things right and will review our procedures where necessary to stop problems happening again.

What if our response does not satisfy you?

If the matter concerns our use or handling of data, then view our GDPR and Subject Access Request Policies. Concerns can be raised with the Information Commissioner.

If your concerns relate to any of the points below, you have recourse to the Charity Commission