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GrantNav homepage 

From the GrantNav homepage, you have the following options:

The GrantNav homepage with numbers annotating the search bar (1) near the top of the page and four other links below; Grants Search (2), Funder Search (3), Recipient organisation search (4) and Recipient individuals search (5)
  • Search bar

Similar to other search engines, when you enter a keyword or words into the search bar and click ‘Search’, GrantNav searches through all the grants in the database and presents results in order of relevance – with the results that match the most words at the top.

By default, GrantNav searches a range of key fields in the grant record – this includes the grant title and description, the names of places, the names of funders and recipients, and some of the other useful information that the funder has published.

The search bar is particularly useful for searching for keywords or terms, as there is no single filter you can use to determine the purpose of a grant. This is because grantmakers use different terms and programme titles to describe the purpose of their grants.

  1. Grants search

The grants search button returns all of the grants in the data without any filters applied – over one million grants! It’s a good starting point, as you can refine your results further and apply search terms on the search results page.

Find out more about using the search bar and refining your results on the following pages.

  1. Funder search

The ‘Funder search’ can be useful if you already know the funder you want to look for. It takes you to a list of all the funders who have published data. You can search the list by name or sort by number of grants, total award amount, or most recent grants. You can then explore each funder further by either clicking on their name to visit the GrantNav page for that organisation, or by clicking “Explore grants” to view all grants given by that funder.

Find out more about Organisations in 360Giving Data.

  1. Recipient Organisation search

Similar to the ‘Funder search’, the ‘Recipient Organisation search’ takes you to a list of all organisations in the data that have received grants from one or more funders. You can then explore each recipient further either by clicking on their name to visit the organisation page or by clicking “Explore grants” to view all grants received by that organisation. 

When funders include organisation identifiers using official registration numbers such as charity numbers or company numbers in their 360Giving data, it makes it possible to see when a recipient has been awarded grants by multiple funders. It also allows grants data to be linked or combined with information taken from official registers.

Find out more about Organisation Identifiers (Org IDs) in GrantNav. 

  1. Recipient Individuals search

As part of the 360Giving Data Standard, funders can now choose to publish anonymised data about grants made to individuals and families. The ’Recipient Individuals search’ button returns a search filtered only to grants that have been flagged as having been made to individuals rather than organisations.

Outside of GrantNav, you can also visit our Grants to Individuals Dashboard to understand more about the funding going to individuals.

Search results page

Each search returns a results page showing the grants matching your search and filter criteria.

Screenshot of a GrantNav search results page with a key identifying the sections described below.

On this page you will find:

  • The search bar, showing any search terms you have used.
  • Five search modes, that can be used to restrict your search terms to search only in certain fields.
  • A search summary showing a summarised view of your search results.
  • A set of filters on the left-hand side that can be used to refine your search.
  • Details of any filters that you’ve already applied plus a ‘Clear all’ button to remove them. Filters can also be removed by clicking the small red cross next to them.
  • A results sort order selector that defaults to ‘Best Match’ showing the most relevant results first but that can be changed to sort the results by either grant amount or award date/recency instead.
  • Grant records for each of the grants that match your search terms and filter criteria.
    • You can click on any underlined sections to explore in more detail. For example, clicking on the grant title opens the grant page, while clicking on the funder name opens the funder page.
  • An option to summarise and visualise your search results in our visualisation tool GrantVis.
  • An option to change the view from the default ‘classic view’ which displays all the key fields, to a simpler ‘table view’ of selected fields.
  • Options to download your search results.