Whereas GrantNav provides details on each grant, GrantVis summarises and visualises grants data, giving an overview of grants by funder, size, dates, and locations, and also a profile of the recipients.
How to use GrantVis
To access GrantVis, you can make any search in GrantNav, then click the “Visualise your search results in GrantVis” link to view the aggregated (summarised) results of your search.
Alternatively, you can visit GrantVis directly and apply filters in the tool.
The tools are designed to exchange information with each other, so you can review the grant-level detail of any selection of grants made in GrantVis by clicking ‘See in GrantNav’.
Navigating the GrantVis site

- The top section will show you a summary of grants data from your search. If you have no filters set, the visualisation will show all of the 360Giving data.
- If you arrive from a GrantNav search, any filters you applied will be shown in the dataset filter section and can be removed by clicking the small cross next to each.
There are 14 different visualisations that cover the funders, the grants, the locations, and the recipients within your search. - Each bar chart visualisation is interactive. You can click on the bars or labels to select one or more entries which will then apply filters to all visualisations based on your selection. De-select an entry by clicking on it a second time.
- Some visualisations where there are many entries, such as Funder names, include search boxes which you can use to search using text.
Some visualisations, like award amount or award date, also allow you to specify a range.

Any filters applied in a visualisation are subsequently applied to all of the other visualisations and override any existing filters you had applied in GrantNav on the same fields.
Grant Locations
In the Grant Locations section you are able to change the default of ‘Best available’ location to either look at Recipient Location (the place where the Recipient Organization is based) or Grant Location data (the place where the funded activity is taking place – this is referred to as Beneficiary in the drop down on GrantVis). Best available location uses the Grant Location where available and, if not, uses the Recipient Location.
Find out more about locations.
The map visualisation showing the distribution of grants by best available location is also interactive. You can zoom into a country/region to view Local Authority-level detail. You can click on an area to see the number of grants awarded to that area. Clicking on the area name again will filter all visualisation results to just that area. Please note that this map can be distorted based on the data available, and grant locations that can’t be easily mapped. For example, if you drill down to a district you may miss grants of a regional or national nature that may be operating in that district.

Where visualisations are created from optional fields that not all funders publish, such as location, the text on the visualisation identifies how many grants have not been included.
Please read our ‘Before you start’ section to better understand what’s in the data and what to look out for, particularly when looking at location data and interpreting the map.
- You can view the grant-level results of any filters you’ve made in GrantNav by clicking on ‘See in GrantNav’ at the top of the page on the right. You are also able to print the page or download it to use in reports by clicking the Printer icon found at the top of the page.
Grant to Individuals Dashboard
For summaries of grants made to individuals and families, please visit the Grants to Individuals Dashboard which includes additional information about the purpose and reason for the grants, and profile of recipients areas.