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There are four different endpoints:

  • Organisations List: returns a paginated list of all the organisations known to exist in 360Giving data, including both funders and recipients of grants. It returns the Org ID and name for each organisation, plus a self link to the Organisation Detail endpoint.
  • Organisation Detail: returns extra detail about an organisation, including whether the organisation is a funder or recipient of grants, and statistics about their grants.
  • Grants Made by an Organisation: returns a paginated list of all known grants made by the given funding organisation.
  • Grants Received by an Organisation: returns a paginated list of all known grants received by the given recipient organisation.

You can view and test these using the Swagger UI page, which details the response schema for each endpoint.

Organisations List

GET /v1/org/

The Organisations List endpoint returns a paginated list of all the organisations known to exist in 360Giving data, including both funders and recipients of grants. It returns the Org ID and name for each organisation, plus a self link to the Organisation Detail endpoint.

Query Parameters:

limitintegerNoNumber of results to return per page. Maximum 1000.
offsetintegerNoThe starting index from which to return the results.

Example Request:

GET /v1/org/?limit=1000&offset=2000

Example Response:

    "count": 391426,
    "next": "",
    "previous": "",
    "results": [
            "self": "",
            "org_id": "GB-CHC-1080833",
            "name": "Allonby Village Hall"
            "self": "",
            "org_id": "GB-CHC-1080835",
            "name": "Ventnor Botanic Garden Friends' Society"
            "self": "",
            "org_id": "GB-CHC-1080837",
            "name": "PRS Foundation"
            "self": "",
            "org_id": "GB-CHC-1080838",
            "name": "WILD GROUND"

Organisation Detail

The Organisation Detail returns extra detail about an organisation, including whether the organisation is a funder or recipient of grants, and statistics about their grants.

GET /v1/org/<org_id>/

Query Parameters

This endpoints accepts no query parameters.

Example Request


Example Response

From this example response, we know this organisation is a recipient but not a funder because the recipient sub-object is populated but the funder sub-object is null, and they’ve received a total of 29 grants that have been published in 360Giving datasets. This organisation is a charity because it’s org_id begins with the GB-CHC prefix corresponding to a charity registered with the charity commission of England and Wales (see

  "self": "",
  "grants_made": "",
  "grants_received": "",
  "funder": null,
  "recipient": {
    "aggregate": {
      "grants": 29,
      "currencies": {
        "GBP": {
          "avg": 169309.8275862069,
          "max": 745000,
          "min": 2000,
          "total": 4909985,
          "grants": 29
  "publisher": null,
  "org_id": "GB-CHC-1164883",
  "name": "360 Giving"

Grants Made by an Organisation

The Grants Made endpoint returns a paginated list of all known grants made by the given funding organisation.


Query Parameters

limitintegerNoNumber of results to return per page. Maximum 1000.
offsetintegerNoThe starting index from which to return the results.

Example Request

GET /v1/org/GB-GOR-DA1020/grants_made/?offset=100

Example Response

  "count": 5511,
  "next": "",
  "previous": "",
  "results": [
      "data": {
        "id": "360G-SCVO-a0V3z00000jlnvSEAQ",
        "title": "Maggie Keswick Jencks Cancer Caring Centres Trust",
        "currency": "GBP",
        "awardDate": "2021-01-06",
        "dataSource": "",
        "description": "Detailed description not provided.",
        "dateModified": "2021-05-31T15:24:54+00:00",
        "fromOpenCall": "Yes",
        "plannedDates": [
            "dateModified": "2021-05-31T15:24:54+00:00"
        "amountAwarded": 44560,
        "grantProgramme": [
            "url": "",
            "code": "sg-crf-call-1",
            "title": "Communities Recovery Fund - Call 1",
            "description": "The Communities Recovery Fund, part of the Communities Recovery Programme and the Scottish Government’s £350m emergency response to coronavirus, is focused on providing funding to organisations that can support people who are facing additional barriers or have increased requirements as a direct result of the coronavirus (COVID19) pandemic."
        "amountDisbursed": 28486,
        "classifications": [
            "code": "category",
            "title": "Coronavirus (COVID-19)",
            "vocabulary": "Category",
            "description": "Providing funding to organisations as a direct result of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic."
        "amountAppliedFor": 28486,
        "fundingOrganization": [
            "id": "GB-GOR-DA1020",
            "url": "",
            "name": "Scottish Government"
        "recipientOrganization": [
            "id": "GB-SC-SC024414",
            "url": "",
            "name": "Maggie Keswick Jencks Cancer Caring Centres Trust",
            "postalCode": "G11 6PA",
            "charityNumber": "SC024414",
            "streetAddress": "10 Dumbarton Road",
            "addressCountry": "Scotland",
            "addressLocality": "Glasgow"
      "publisher": {
        "self": "",
        "org_id": "GB-SC-SC003558"
      "recipients": [
          "self": "",
          "org_id": "GB-SC-SC024414"
      "funders": [
          "self": "",
          "org_id": "GB-GOR-DA1020"
      "grant_id": "360G-SCVO-a0V3z00000jlnvSEAQ"

Grants Received by an Organisation

The Grants Received endpoint returns a paginated list of all known grants received by the given recipient organisation.


Query Parameters

limitintegerNoNumber of results to return per page. Maximum 1000.
offsetintegerNoThe starting index from which to return the results.

Example Request

GET  /v1/org/GB-CHC-1164883/grants_received/?limit=10&offset=10

Example Response

  "count": 28,
  "next": "",
  "previous": "",
  "results": [
      "data": {
        "id": "360G-indigotrust-IND419",
        "title": "Supporting UK organisations to publish their grants data",
        "currency": "GBP",
        "awardDate": "2018-03-08",
        "description": "Core funding.",
        "dateModified": "2020-05-17T04:23:13Z",
        "plannedDates": [
            "endDate": "2019-03-08",
            "duration": 12,
            "startDate": "2018-03-08"
        "amountAwarded": 30000,
        "beneficiaryLocation": [
            "name": "UK",
            "countryCode": "GB"
        "fundingOrganization": [
            "id": "GB-CHC-1075920",
            "name": "Indigo Trust"
        "recipientOrganization": [
            "id": "GB-CHC-1164883",
            "name": "360 Giving",
            "postalCode": "N1 9AG",
            "addressRegion": "London",
            "charityNumber": "GB-CHC-1164883",
            "addressCountry": "UK"
      "publisher": {
        "self": "",
        "org_id": "GB-CHC-1075920"
      "recipients": [
          "self": "",
          "org_id": "GB-CHC-1164883"
      "funders": [
          "self": "",
          "org_id": "GB-CHC-1075920"
      "grant_id": "360G-indigotrust-IND419"