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Example API queries

Fetching all Grants Given to a Charity using Python

An example using the Python requests library to fetch all the grants given to an organisation by charity number.

This example script is self-contained and can be run as-is, assuming the requests library is installed.

import time

import requests

# The base URL of the 360Giving API
API_URL = ""

def fetch_grants(charity_number):
    # List of grants to be added to
    grants = []

    # The API expects organisations to be identified by Org ID (See:
    # Convert an England & Wales charity number into an Org ID by adding the "GB-CHC" prefix.
    # For more info see:
    # and for charities in other parts of the UK:§or=all

    org_id = "GB-CHC-" + charity_number

    # Construct the starting URL for grants received by the charity
    url = API_URL + "org/" + org_id + "/grants_received/"

    # Note that the results are paginated, it may be necessary to fetch multiple pages.
    # Loop until all pages are fetched.
    while url is not None:
        # Fetch the first page, and set the Accept header to get a JSON response
        r = requests.get(url, headers={"Accept": "application/json"})

        # Check for any HTTP error codes
        # Convert the JSON response into a dict
        data = r.json()

        # For each page, add the page's results to our list of grants

        # And th    en fetch the next page
        url = data["next"]
        # Wait at least half a second between requests to not go over the usage limit

    return grants

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # As an example, fetch grants given to England and Wales charity no. 221124
    grants = fetch_grants(charity_number="221124")

    # Print the grant title and funding organisation name for each grant
    for grant in grants:
        print(grant["data"]["title"] + " from " + grant["data"]["fundingOrganization"][0]["name"])

Fetching details of an organisation using cURL

Here is an example cURL command to fetch data from the Organisation Detail endpoint. The header Accept: application/json must be set.

curl --header "Accept: application/json" ""

Result (formatted):

  "self": "",
  "grants_made": "",
  "grants_received": "",
  "funder": null,
  "recipient": {
    "aggregate": {
      "grants": 29,
      "currencies": {
        "GBP": {
          "avg": 169309.8275862069,
          "max": 745000,
          "min": 2000,
          "total": 4909985,
          "grants": 29
  "publisher": null,
  "org_id": "GB-CHC-1164883",
  "name": "360 Giving"