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360Giving API

What is the 360Giving API

The 360Giving API makes it easier for developers, researchers and data scientists to build scripts and applications that analyse, visualise or extend 360Giving data. By using the API you can use the data in your software, create platforms and tools displaying the data, incorporate the data into your own database, and more.

The API is an HTTP/JSON API, with endpoints to access grants data and summary data about an organisation.

Why use the 360Giving API

Key features of the 360Giving API include:

  • Ability to access data about grants made by or received by an organisation
  • Ability to find organisations that give or receive grants, and access summary information about the grants they have given or received

Benefits of the API include:

  • Automate data access
  • More suited to some uses than Colab/direct Datastore access or the daily data packages
  • Fetch only the data relevant to your application

Some examples of how you might use the API could be:

  • Displaying 360Giving grants data about organisations in your grantmaking system
  • Helping with due diligence checks for grant applicants
  • Using 360Giving data to build an application that provides information on charities or funders
  • Showing grants received by your organisation

How to get started using the 360Giving API?

  1. Please complete our API registration form below to ensure you receive important updates, such as backwards incompatible changes to the API or Take Down requests.
  2. Agree to the API Terms and Conditions and Code of Conduct.
  3. Read our full API documentation to learn more.
  4. You can then access the API at any time and for free.

Register for the 360Giving API

To use the 360Giving API, please sign up for essential updates by completing this form.

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360Giving API Code of Conduct

The 360Giving API is a service from 360Giving to help users make the most of the data published by grantmakers. To ensure that the data is used responsibly, we ask that 360Giving API users follow the points set out below. If the code of conduct is not followed, then it may be necessary to revoke access.

Make appropriate requests

The API is designed for requesting specific parts of the dataset, not bulk data requests. Users may make up to 2 requests per user per second.

Rate limiting is applied to the 360Giving API to ensure a stable and reliable service for all users.

If you are anticipating requiring a significantly larger volume of queries, please book a 1-1 data support call to discuss how we might be able to meet your needs.

Respect licence conditions

360Giving publishers share an open licence for their data. This licence allows a range of different uses of their data, but there may be conditions attached. Most commonly, users of the data need to attribute and link to the data source (the publisher themselves).

Information about the licence under which each data item has been published and the source of the data is available via the API and should be used to adhere to any licencing conditions, such as source attribution.

Attributing 360Giving

In addition to attributing the original data, you may wish to attribute the 360Giving API as appropriate. However, the 360Giving logo should not be used without permission when referring to or using the 360Giving data.

Work with data publishers

The 360Giving API is not the original source of the data, and should not be treated as such. For queries about individual published grants or the content of the data, it is generally most appropriate to contact the publisher of the original data. Information about the publisher of each grant is included in the grant information returned by the API.

Use the latest data and respect take down requests

360Giving data changes regularly, and in addition to regularly adding data, publishers sometimes remove data from their files. API users will not be notified of data being added or removed unless it forms part of a takedown request, so you must ensure that the data used is kept up to date.

360Giving has a take down policy for managing requests from publishers or others that data, or a portion of it, is removed from the 360Giving Registry and 360Giving online platforms.

The take down policy sets out how 360Giving deals with these requests. You should also consider how you would respond to take down requests. 360Giving will inform API users who have signed up for updates if a take down request is received.

Privacy Information

360Giving will collect certain data about you. This includes:

  • Your name and email address, collected when you sign up for updates

We collect your personal data for the following purposes:

  • Administering your account such as sending service updates to notify you of system maintenance or updates to the API
  • To notify you of take down requests

We also collect the following anonymised data about API users:

  • Usage statistics for analytics and to monitor the performance of the API and to ensure a reliable and stable service for all users

Keep in touch

The 360Giving API exists to help people use 360Giving data, so please keep us informed of how you’re using it. We’d love to help you explore new ideas about what you can do with the data, and promote exciting and innovative projects that use the data. We also want feedback to make the API and our other services better.

Contact us about our API

Please let us know your how we can help you get the most out of the 360Giving API and Datastore
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