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Data Registry and using data from individual publishers’ files

Publishers’ 360Giving data files can be accessed directly on their own websites. The Data Quality Dashboard provides the access URL and download links for each file.

When handling multiple files, you’ll need to bear in mind that not all files are in the same format or contain the same columns. Most 360Giving Data Standard data files are published in XLSX format, with a small number published as CSV, OpenDocument Spreadsheet, or JSON data. As well as the required fields that all valid 360Giving data must include and any optional fields from the Standard, publishers have the flexibility to include additional non-standard fields based on their needs.

Source files downloaded directly will not include any of the data enhancements added by 360Giving.

Registry feed

There is also a JSON feed of files (in data catalogue format) published using 360Giving the Data Standard. This file is updated daily and includes current publishers that have notified 360Giving that they have published data.

JSON feed format

    "title": "Title of the dataset",
    "description": "Description about the dataset",
    "identifier": "An internal identifier for this dataset from our storage system",
    "license": "A link to the license information for this dataset. Should be a valid URL",
    "license_name": "A human readable title of the license given in the license field",
    "issued": "The date (YYYY-MM-DD) this dataset was first recorded as published",
    "modified": "The datetime that this record was last changed. The change could relate to any of the metadata about the dataset",
    "publisher": {
      "name": "Name of the organisation publishing this dataset",
      "website": "Should be a valid URL to a website of that publisher",
      "logo": "Should be a valid URL to a logo for that publisher. You may not necessarily have permission to use this logo for your own purposes.",
      "prefix": "The unique 360Giving prefix used by this publisher to identify the grants they publish."
    "distribution": [
        "downloadURL": "A valid URL to directly access the data",
        "accessURL": "A valid URL, usually to a web page, where access to the downloadURL can be found. The web page usually has other useful information about the data",
        "title": "Title of the dataset"

Metadata feed

360Giving provides a JSON feed that contains metadata about files in the Registry, including file statistics (such as size, location, validity against the Standard), aggregate statistics (including total grants, values, and dates) and useful insights (including organisation identifier schemes used).

A coverage JSON report is also available, which contains the contents of the JSON feed plus coverage reports on field usage for each dataset.Additionally, a CSV report is available, which contains a subset of the fields available in the JSON feed and is focussed on the aggregate statistics.