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GrantNav and GrantVis
User Guide



GrantNav is our flagship tool. It is a free search engine that allows you to search, explore and download grants data published by UK funders using the 360Giving Data Standard.

GrantNav lets you use keywords or text to search within the grants data that has been published by funders, meaning you can identify references to an item, term, or phrase included in descriptions of funding, and then refine your search with GrantNav’s filters. From your search results, you can click through to see individual grants, recipients, or funders, and download the results for further analysis.


GrantVis is a free visualisation tool to help you understand funding data better. GrantVis combines and visualises grants data, giving an overview of grants by size, date, and location, alongside a profile of recipients. It also allows you to filter based on enhanced information about recipients.

You can visualise the results of your GrantNav search by opening it in GrantVis using the button at the top of the search results. You can also drill into the results of your GrantVis search by opening it in GrantNav, using the button at the top of the page.

You can access GrantVis via the 360Insights homepage, or directly from any GrantNav search.

Note that on grants to individuals and families, more information is available on our Grants to Individuals Dashboard.

User Guide

The following guide contains sections on: 

  • Navigating the GrantNav site
  • Searching
  • Refining your search
  • Understanding the search results and the different pages available
  • Instructions on how to download your search results
  • An overview of GrantVis

Please also read our ‘Before you start’ section to understand the data and important considerations when using it.

We also regularly run online workshops providing an introduction to GrantNav covering the contents of this guide.

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