News and updates - Page 10
15 December 2017
#LocalCharitiesDay 2017 - A quick dive into local giving
15 December 2017
Keeping it local – why I’m sponsoring a bicycle this Christmas
Today is local charities day, giving us a chance to acknowledge and celebrate all the important work that charities do in their communities throughout the UK. Local charities by their nature tend to be small, and we know that small charities have had a tough time recently, with the government’s shift to issuing more contracts […]
29 November 2017
Let’s ask more of grantmaking and not settle for the status quo
This blog was originally published by Alliance Magazine on November 27, 2017. Philanthropist Fran Perrin, founder and director of 360Giving, the charity opening up UK grantmaking data, explains why they are launching a Quest for Questions as part of a new Challenge Fund – an open call to the sector to share questions on how data can […]
27 November 2017
10 more funders share data to the 360Giving Standard highlighting diversity of support for open grantmaking
Since the end of September, 10 more grantmakers have joined the #greatergrantsdata movement by publishing their data to the 360Giving Standard, taking the total value of UK grants now openly available to almost £11bn. An additional £215m worth of grants data has been shared by a diverse range of funders including local councils, a community […]
20 November 2017
What we learned at Open Data Camp and Mozfest and why it is relevant for Grantmaking
October was a busy month for data and tech events for 360Giving! On the weekend of 21-22 October, I attended my first Open Data Camp in Belfast. The following week I attended Mozfest, the annual festival of Mozilla, the parent company of the browser Firefox. Taking place in London and bringing people from all over […]
17 November 2017
360Giving calls on government to open up its grantmaking data to achieve new ‘joined up’ charities strategy
The government has announced plans to develop a new civil society strategy. It could take a giant leap forward by opening up all its grantmaking data, says 360Giving. Will Perrin, co-founder of 360Giving, said: “It’s fantastic that the government is aiming for a joined up approach to the way Whitehall works with charities. Tracey Crouch […]
15 November 2017
Quest for Questions – FAQs
The 360Giving Challenge Fund is an open invitation to the sector to share thoughts and ideas on the challenges facing you and how they might be solved by open data. Read the FAQs here.
14 November 2017
Foundations’ most valuable assets include data
Philanthropic foundation spending reached almost £3 billion in 2015/16, its highest level ever according to the latest Foundation Giving Trends[1]. And with the value of foundation investments hitting a record £60 billion, public expectations of what foundations can do with their money are also running high. Private grant-making is equal to around 43% of the […]
14 November 2017
360Giving Quest for Questions
“The wise man doesn’t give the right answers, he poses the right questions” – Claude Levi-Strauss, anthropologist. 360Giving is on a Quest for Questions Help us unlock the insights contained in 360Giving data and other data sets by taking part in our Challenge Fund. We want to identify the key questions facing the funding sector and […]
31 October 2017
Leaping from a burning platform to a digital one delivers savings and a heap of useful data
Reach Volunteering, a charity that matches professionals that want to volunteer with charities, was facing a stark choice when it took the plunge to digitise its service. Here Reach CEO Janet Thorne shares the compelling drivers that kept them on the sometimes bumpy road to digitisation and transformation. When we launched our digital platform in […]
13 October 2017
Social Life’s Community Dynamics Data
Building neighbourhoods where communities can flourish in the long term is as important as designing places that are economically and environmentally sound. How can the success and progress of communities be measured and evaluated over time? Social Life has developed a new way to understand local communities through the use of data – we call […]
4 October 2017
A place for open data in the future of philanthropy
There is great focus at the moment on the role of cities. The slow decline of many urban areas across the UK has long been lamented as their traditional sustaining industries have disappeared and they struggle to find new identities. This has been exacerbated by the continuing North-South divide that is heavily skewed economically towards […]
3 October 2017
Nine new organisations swell 360Giving dataset
More than £10bn worth of grants are now been published to the 360Giving Standard with the addition of nine more grantmakers in the last two months. The new organisations include family, corporate and community foundations who collectively add £58m worth of grants, plus $404m from the Arcadia Fund, taking the total number of organisations that […]
3 October 2017
$30k Digital Impact grant aims to improve sharing of grantmaking data
Why and how the Ariadne network of 600 funders collect and share data and how they might do so better will be under exploration thanks to a $30k grant from Digital Impact, part of the Digital Civil Society Lab at Stanford University. 360Giving will advise the network on open data formats as part of the […]
2 October 2017
Press button data sharing a reality for Community Foundations
A new tool funded by 360Giving will make publishing data a doddle for community foundations that are using Salesforce to manage their grantmaking. The tool allows community foundations to automatically export data formatted to the 360Giving Standard cutting hours off the time it might otherwise take for them to prepare their data. The tool has […]
28 September 2017
Happy 1st birthday to GrantNav - come and join the party!
A year ago we launched a UK first with GrantNav, the free to use search tool that lets anyone easily explore and download grants data for some of the UK’s largest charitable funders. The platform has put grantmaking on a new trajectory that has the potential to crank up the sector’s impact. GrantNav has experienced […]
24 August 2017
Grantmaking data through 360Giving adds new insight to OCSI’s Local Insight tool
Oxford Consultants for Social Inclusion (OCSI) have been working with the public sector for 14 years, supporting organisations to use better data for better decisions. At our core is providing rigorous, high quality data in accessible formats, so that decision makers and key stakeholders save time and money when planning local community services. This could […]
20 July 2017
Three ways we plan to make funding easier
David Kane and Suraj Vadgama, the team behind, share findings from their recent user research with charitable funders and plans to put them into action to make funding easier and less time-consuming. Beehive was set up by The Forward Foundation that understood the challenges of distributing grants, as well as the difficulties faced by […]
19 July 2017
Nine new publishers join 360Giving Open Data movement
A broad mix of funders are the latest to publish their grantmaking data using the 360Giving Standard. The nine new organisations range from larger national funders, smaller local foundations, a corporate foundation, three community foundations, a livery company, family funders. Together they take the total number of publishers to 43 and add another 2,730 grants […]
19 July 2017
We need more questions to unlock the value of data - #1 360Giving Data labs update
Mor Rubinstein reflects on her first eight weeks in post as our Data Labs and Learning Manager and makes a call for more questions. It has been eight weeks since I started my journey as the Data Labs and Learning Manager at 360Giving. Coming from the global open data world, I was excited to learn […]