News and updates - Page 12
30 November 2015
Big Lottery Fund confirms support for 360Giving
As part of its commitment to modernising grant making, the Big Lottery Fund has provided 360Giving with a £50,000 development grant so it can take forward its ground-breaking work on open data in the grant making sector. Currently every funder has a different approach to capturing and managing data about those they support, making […]
11 October 2015
New Chief Executive: Rachel Rank
We are delighted to announce the appointment of Rachel Rank as Chief Executive of 360Giving. Rachel joins us from Publish What You Fund where she has played a major role in advocating for open data standards in international development. She brings with her a deep knowledge of transparency issues and a track record of supporting donors […]
20 September 2015
Setting solid foundations for social impact
Last week we had the pleasure of presenting on the 360Giving project for an Open Data Institute Friday Lunchtime Lecture. Alice Casey and Tim Davies shared a history of the project, and the vision of supporting funders to make better decisions and seek greater impact through open sharing of grantmaking data. You can find a recording […]
13 June 2015
Open Data : From audience to participant.
360Giving is a non-profit data collaborative. Read more on our about page. At 360Giving we help funding bodies and charities to publish and better understand the value of open data. Much of what we have been doing has therefore been around raising awareness of the project among different groups ; building an interest among the […]
18 February 2015
Activity report - pipeline, firming up the 360giving data model and a registry
It’s been a while since I wrote here – we have been very busy working with grant makers to help foundations publish to the 360 data standard and, as part of that process understanding the strengths and weaknesses of the technical bits. We’ve done a lot, mainly behind the scenes and there’s still lots to […]
4 August 2014
GrantNav beta - powered by 360giving data
Using 360giving standardised data we have worked with developers Aptivate to produce a grant navigator – GrantNav – that allows searching, charting and mapping of UK grant data from a dozen or more major grant makers. 360giving is about helping people publish data – we provide support, advice and a data standard that enables data […]
30 July 2014
360giving - summer update 2014
With our 360 partners NESTA, BIG Lottery, Nominet Trust and Practical Participation and we have been working quietly with leading grant makers, grant recipients and technologists for the last few months on publication of data to the 360giving standard. For grant makers this means helping them get data from their grant management systems into the […]
30 April 2014
Giving Trends - Top 300 Foundations 2014 report
Fascinating morning at the launch of the Association of Charitable Foundations and CASS Business School report on the Top 300 UK Foundations Giving Trends. It’s an excellent piece of work, but we were struck how much richer and easier the work would be if grant makers published their grants to an open data standard along […]
9 April 2014
Aptivate engaged by #360giving to build data demonstrators and road test data standard
We are going to build some demonstrators to show what can be done with open data about grant making. Indigo Trust has engaged Aptivate an NGO expert in data manipulation and visualisation to build some demonstrators and in so doing test the draft data standard. Aptivate will use as a base load the hundreds of […]
9 April 2014
Data, data everywhere...
360Giving wants to free up 80% of the UK’s grants by value as open data. So we need to encompass the biggest grant makers. We were delighted to work closely with BIG Lottery officers and recently their Chief Executive Dawn Austwick to begin publishing their impressive grant record as basic open data (on which, more […]
17 March 2014
Foundation transparency: why it matters - article by Fran Perrin Alliance Magazine March 2014
Foundation transparency: why it matters A huge amount of work has gone into making international aid flows more open, resulting in the International Aid Transparency Initiative. The work was led by the UK, yet domestic grants made by UK foundations remain opaque. Why is it that I can look up where the UK government or […]
28 January 2014
Open data in arts and sport grant making - open data hiding in plain sight
Sometimes open data on grant making just pops up unexpectedly. I was giving evidence to the Warwick Commission on Cultural Value and spent some time poking around in the Arts Council England’s website looking for strategy and policy documents as well as any open data they may have. ACE has a good research capability but […]
23 January 2014
Transparency in giving in the cultural sector - evidence to Warwick Commission on cultural value
I gave evidence to the Warwick Commission today on a range of digital issues and philanthropy. The digital stuff i cover over there but here is the section on philanthropy and transparency. I call in particular for the Arts Council England, which publishes its grants to publish also the evidence and evaluations they hold for […]
29 July 2013
Update on activity
In our view at Indigo, to achieve our objectives we cannot lead the argument with open data itself. Open data is a critical enabler to achieve benefits. It is the benefits that appeal to senior grant makers only rarely the data itself. An update on activity since the kick off meeting. Nominet Trust, BIG and Indigo […]
23 July 2013
Promising response from BIG to FOI requests for data
BIG Lottery Fund is the largest of the organisations that distributes money from the state-sanctioned Lottery in the UK. They have given a helpful response to my two FOI requests. I made two probing requests – one for a set of grants data from a geographic unit of manageable size and one for the nature of data […]
27 June 2013
First catch your data
It isn’t always easy for large organisations to just open the floodgates and pour data out. There’s always a host of compliance issues, some real, some over-cautious. Tim Berners-Lee’s original, highly readable 2009 article on bureaucracies and open data acknowledges this and urges them just to publish, not spend years agonising: Just do it…There […]
24 June 2013
Meeting hosted by Indigo Trust on 20 June 2013
Indigo Trust hosted a meeting at its offices to discus open data, philanthropy, grant making and the principles underpinning this blog. The minutes will be published in due course, the following attended: Simon Marshall Big Lottery Funding Cathy Pharoah Cass Business School Owen Barder Centre for Global Development Beth Breeze Centre for Philanthropy – Kent […]
24 June 2013
Opening up data around grant making - a demonstrator for Esmee Fairbairn
In 2010, Esmee Fairbairn a leading grant maker in the social justice area held a futures event. One team took Esmee’s grant information from their website (where it was published in pdf documents) and turned it into a database. By turning the data into a versatile database, instead of static documents they were able to […]