News and updates - Page 2
7 November 2022
Trustees' Week 2022: Celebrating our Board
This Trustees’ Week we recognise the range of experience on our Board, why it is so important to us that our Board reflects the communities we work with, and we welcome two new trustees to the 360Giving team.
25 October 2022
Our networks are safe spaces to share learning, connect with peers and to discuss proposed changes and updates to the 360Giving Data Standard.
3 October 2022
Coming together to celebrate 360Giving
A recording and summary of our celebration event.
28 September 2022
Cost of Living Crisis: Guidance on tagging grants
In response to the cost of living crisis funders are making changes to their grant programmes and existing grants, and by recording the data accordingly funders can contribute to their collective impact.
23 September 2022
Inclusion, the Neurodiversity Inclusivity Confidence Award and 360Giving’s journey
We are proud to share our journey to achieving the Neurodiversity Inclusivity Confidence Award. In this blog, we share what we have considered and implemented so far, and what we have learnt along the way.
15 August 2022
Grants to Individuals Project
In this blog we share plans for the development of the 360Giving Data Standard to reflect a wider range of grants, and future updates to 360Giving tools.
4 August 2022
Analysing Specialist Legal Advice Providers funding: What can we see? What have we learnt?
Following on from the publication of brand new analysis for the Access to Justice Foundation, we’re sharing what we have learnt along the way.
1 July 2022
We’re turning seven! 🎂
As we celebrate our seventh birthday, we’re looking back on 360Giving’s achievements over the past year.
1 June 2022
Welcome our new Chair - Fozia Irfan OBE
360Giving is delighted to announce that Fozia Irfan OBE, BBC Children in Need’s Director of Children and Young People, is to become our new Chair of Trustees from July 2022.
20 April 2022
Geography consultation
This consultation sets out the details of a proposed update to the 360Giving Data Standard arising from the discussions shared in the Geography Working Group.
19 April 2022
Regranting consultation
Consultation on proposed changes to the 360Giving Data Standard as a result of research into regranting and multi-funder collaborations.
30 March 2022
Where do grants go? – Working with geography in the 360Giving Data Standard
In this blog we share some of the issues that we have been exploring around geography and location data, and what we are planning to do next to move things forward.
30 March 2022
Following the money – Exploring regrants in the 360Giving Data Standard
We’re exploring the concept of regranting, explaining what we have seen in the data, and outlining what we’re doing next to support understanding regranting in the 360Giving Data Standard.
10 March 2022
Fran Perrin OBE - Stepping down as Chair, remaining as Founder
Fran Perrin will be stepping down from the Chair role at 360Giving in summer 2022, but will continue to support the organisation as a champion, ambassador and Founder.
14 February 2022
Getting started with our new Complete Guide to Publishing
Covering planning, preparing and publishing, here’s an introduction to our guide on publishing your grants data using the 360Giving Data Standard.
7 December 2021
UK grantmaking during the pandemic - Explore our new research
Data shared by 174 grantmakers on their Covid relief and recovery funding – covering 66,000 grants worth almost £2.4 billion – has been analysed and summarised by David Kane (Analysis Lead, 360Giving) in newly-published interactive research. Key findings from the report show that funders acted quickly and responsively, and adapted approaches to reach communities disproportionately […]
26 November 2021
Visualise your GrantNav search in 360Insights
Our GrantNav upgrade helps you to understand further who, what and where is funding going to. What is the new update? As we announced in a previous blog on the most recent GrantNav upgrade, it is now possible to view the results of your GrantNav search in 360Insights, our free tool to help you to […]
24 August 2021
How notebooks can boost your work with data
David Kane is a data scientist and researcher and has over ten years experience working with charity data. He is also the Product Lead at 360Giving, a charity that helps funders publish open data about their grants, and empowers people to use this data to improve charitable giving. You can use 360Giving’s search engine for […]
18 August 2021
Over 200 funders now publishing their grants data
We’ve reached a new milestone, with grants from over 200 funders now available to explore in GrantNav. We showcase the diversity of grantmakers publishing their grants data and celebrate this milestone. We’re delighted to announce that over 200 funders have published their grants data in the 360Giving Data Standard. This means that data on almost […]
21 July 2021
Understanding historic grants through consistent comparison
An important part of funding is understanding the impact those grants are having. However this is difficult when there are inconsistencies with how data is collected, managed and analysed. Below, Dr Emma Horrigan – City Bridge Trust’s Data Analyst and recent 360Giving Data Champion – shares how she compares their past and present performance consistently, […]