News and updates - Page 9
24 April 2018
Join us on a journey to draw insights from data
From May to July 2018, we’re ‘digging the data’ as part of our Quest for Questions. This will be a journey to answer important questions about funding, led by our expert data analyst, Edafe Onerhime. We are taking our Data Expeditions – fun and dynamic group workshops to learn data skills – one step further. Do you […]
17 April 2018
Who funds science and research in the UK?
The UK’s largest charitable funder, the Wellcome Trust, has recently shared data on the billions of pounds worth of grantmaking it has made since October 2005. Although Wellcome already shared its grants data on its own website, having the data in the 360Giving Standard allows us to see these grants alongside grants from other funders, making […]
10 April 2018
UK’s largest charitable funder publishes £6bn of grants data in the 360Giving Standard
360Giving’s campaign to open up UK grants data and make grantmaking more informed and effective has received a huge boost with over £6 billion worth of grants published by the Wellcome Trust. The UK’s largest charitable funder has shared data on the billions of pounds worth of grantmaking it has made since October 2005 in […]
27 March 2018
Join us on a Data Expedition and get to grips with data
360Giving’s Data Expeditions deliver a double whammy, using a fun and dynamic step-by-step group process to both skill up organisations in the handling and wrangling of all kinds of data while throwing light on the issues they want answering. One summer day last year, the Blagrave Trust approached us to see if we could help […]
26 March 2018
And our burning questions are...
This blog was written by Sameer Padania, 360Giving trustee. Thanks to the tireless work of the 360Giving team and their many donor partners, there’s a huge (and growing and growing) amount of data available that anyone can search – free-of-charge – about the billions of pounds of grant funding made locally and nationally in the […]
13 March 2018
During our Open Data Day event at the beginning of March, we demonstrated a number of easy-to-use tools that can enhance your everyday data use. In this series of blogs we share our learnings and provide short manuals that will help get you started with using each tool. The first tool we will cover […]
8 March 2018
What 360Giving Data Can Tell us About Giving for Women
For International Women’s Day, we decided to see what grants have been awarded for women’s causes using data published to the 360Giving Standard. Using GrantNav, we looked at the grant descriptions and searched for keywords that we know are related to projects targeted at women (women, girl, mother, female, rape, domestic abuse). For grants made […]
8 March 2018
Funders see potential of open data for whole sector
A push for transparency and a desire to improve grantmaking for the sector continues to drive funders to join our #greatergrantsdata movement by publishing their data to the 360Giving Standard. In the last two months, four more funders have published more than £13m worth of grants across a range of causes, taking the total value […]
5 March 2018
GrantNav gets a user upgrade
GrantNav is now 18 months old, so we felt it was time to look at how it’s used and how we could make it even better! We have listened to what you’ve told us about how you’re finding it to use. As a result, we’ve added some new features, made some tweaks, squashed some bugs […]
5 March 2018
Letting data take the wheel
Lloyds Bank Foundation for England and Wales supports small and medium-sized charities committed to delivering work which breaks or prevents cycles of disadvantage. Here, the Foundation’s Research and Data Analyst, Alex Van Vliet, explains how comparing its grantmaking data with other data openly available via 360Giving offers fascinating insight into the importance, relevance and future direction […]
3 March 2018
Government must deliver on its open data promise
On Open Data Day 2018, we call on the UK Government to open up its grants data for every one of its departments in order to increase its value to civil society. In May 2016, the Government committed to publishing more granular level data on its grants expenditure in line with the open data standard […]
2 March 2018
Charities must embrace open data with open arms
Ahead of Open Data Day tomorrow, Rachel Rank explains why charities cannot ignore the trend. This is a cross-post from Civil Society (original can be found here) Tomorrow is Open Data Day but most charities may not appreciate the relevance of open data to their work or the role it will play in their future. Data […]
28 February 2018
Sharing data responsibly – how and why do human rights funders share data?
This blog was written by Tom Walker and Fieke Jansen of The Engine Room, with input from Rachel Rank of 360Giving and Lorena Klos of Ariadne. The blog is cross-posted from the Engine Room’s website (original can be found here). A second blog looks at responsible data considerations for sharing human rights data – what do […]
26 February 2018
Join us for Open Data Day 2018
Mark Open Data Day by attending our show and tell session – come with your laptop, leave with a new skill! It’s no exaggeration to say we are in the throes of a quiet revolution – open data is changing the way we live, work and travel, yet most people still don’t know what open […]
20 February 2018
The 360Giving forum - a place for discussion
It all began with the standard When we started 360Giving, we put a lot of effort into designing a data standard that will help answer some of the big questions about grantmaking. The 360Giving Standard is open and so it belongs to everyone; but in order for people to use it, we knew it had […]
13 February 2018
Questions you want open data to answer
Our Quest for Questions Challenge, a call out to the sector to share the burning questions you want open data to answer ended on 31st January, giving us 67 questions. They provide a comprehensive overview of the sector’s information needs. At the beginning of this journey, we expected to receive a few broad questions focussing […]
12 February 2018
Data Science students take deep dive into 10 years of Big Lottery Funding
360Giving is pleased to work with the research organisations and people not familiar with UK funding to check the usability and robustness of the data. Each year businesses, charities and local organisations are linked up with Data Science students from Lancaster University to give us a chance to work with large, complex data sets and […]
17 January 2018
More than £6bn worth of open data released in last quarter of 2017
Seven more grantmakers have joined the #GreaterGrantsData movement by publishing their data to the 360Giving Standard, bringing the total value of open data to more than £17bn. It includes a major milestone – for the first time central government data has been released from the Department for Transport and the Ministry of Justice to a […]
10 January 2018
More data, more use, more answers
2017 ended on a high note for 360Giving with a UK first. Following the sharing of over £4 billion worth of grants data by two government departments – the Ministry of Justice and the Department for Transport – for the first time ever in the UK it’s possible to compare government grants with those made […]
3 January 2018
Challenge Fund - seven weeks in
Seven weeks ago we announced our Quest for Questions as part of our new Challenge Fund project. We have been pleased to discover that there are so many aspects of grantmaking that open data can help understand and advance. Thanks to your engagement, we now have over 20 questions to choose from and we hope […]