David Kane
Analysis Lead (Consultant)
David works with 360Giving and leads on data analysis, research and data use projects. David is a data scientist and researcher, specialising in data for, by and about charities and wider civil society. He has over ten years experience working with charity data, having worked for NCVO, CAST and the Greater London Authority.

David Kane's posts
24 August 2021
How notebooks can boost your work with data
David Kane is a data scientist and researcher and has over ten years experience working with charity data. He is also the Product Lead at 360Giving, a charity that helps funders publish open data about their grants, and empowers people to use this data to improve charitable giving. You can use 360Giving’s search engine for […]
27 October 2020
Find that Charity: the place to go for data on 660,000 non-profit organisations
Find that Charity, a tool created by our team member David Kane to help look up non-profit organisations, has been updated and refreshed. It now brings together data from 16 different sources and is the most comprehensive database of non-profit organisations in the UK. The updated site, https://findthatcharity.uk, draws on open data published by official […]
6 August 2020
‘Below the Radar’: understanding some of the UK’s smallest charities
In a new report, published today, we’ve set out a process for discovering and analysing ‘below the radar’ organisations working in communities across the UK. The report uses 360Giving data – published openly by UK funders in the 360Giving Data Standard – to identify a set of organisations that receive grants from UK foundations but […]
9 September 2019
How much does the UK government give in grants?
Grants from government are a crucial part of the voluntary sector’s funding mix. In this post, David Kane uses identifiers to explore the 2017/18 government grants data and understand the types of organisations which received funding. Updated data Since this blog was released, 16 central UK Government departments have published open data about the grants […]
27 November 2018
Funding playground - who funds with who in the UK?
This blog was published in 2018. Please visit threesixtygiving.org/data for up to date visualisations and statistics. For #GivingTuesday2018 we are sharing a cool new visualisation by data scientist David Kane. Below he talks through what he’s created, and offers a recipe for making (or commissioning) your own version: The great thing about grantmakers publishing data […]
22 October 2018
5 ways to get amazing Charity Commission data
Earlier this month the Charity Commission for England and Wales launched it’s “Statement of Strategic Intent“. One of the five strategic objectives for 2018 to 2023 is “Informing public choice” about charities – and they identify data as one of the ways to use this. As they say: Today, we collect and display basic data […]
15 May 2018
What does funders’ data tell us about grants to mental health?
As it’s mental health week this week, we wanted to see what 360Giving data tells us about mental health funding in the UK. Key findings In 2016 and 2017, 360Giving publishers gave 1,800 grants worth £155 million to projects that focused on mental health. The largest funded project – Time to Change – received £7.5 […]
16 May 2017
Dive into data reveals government hit grantmaking bullseye with Community First Fund
The aim of the Cabinet Office’s £30m Community First Neighbourhood Matched Fund was to get small grants to the under-the-radar community projects working at the heart of the most deprived areas in the UK. Did it succeed? Until this month, it would have been very hard to tell without extensive research where the grants went, […]